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health, nutrition, and WEllness Blog

Stay in the know with helpful tricks and information that can significantly change your health for the better. Dig into topics like how to naturally increase good bacteria in your gut, or what foods to eat to help promote heart health. Dr. Kulka’s goal is to help you understand the difference between diet fads and effective dieting, along with discovering simple ways to do better. Take charge of your health today.

Beyond the Hype: Why Quick-Fix Diets Don’t Work and What to Do Instead

In today’s fast-paced world, quick results are often more appealing than the slow and steady approach, especially when it comes to weight loss. Social media platforms are flooded with influencers promoting the latest
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Navigating the World of Low-Cal Drinks: Your Guide to Healthier Beverage Choices

Are you trying to cut back on sugary beverages but still looking for something satisfying to quench your thirst? With the myriad of low-calorie options available today, choosing the right drink can be
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Honored to be quoted in EatingWell’s “6 “Bad” Carbs to Support Your Brain Health, Recommended by Health Experts”

I was delighted to contribute to the recent article in EATINGNWELL about carbohydrates that are actually considered healthy and support brain health, as recognized by multiple medical experts. The article was also piMaintaining
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Navigating the Holidays: A 2023 Guide to Healthy Celebrations

As we find ourselves once again at the brink of the holiday season, it’s time to revisit some timeless tips from the past and incorporate a new challenge for a healthier, more mindful
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Self-Care for Medical Caregivers: Nurturing Yourself While Caring for Loved Ones

As a medical caregiver, your days are often dedicated to tending to the health and well-being of others. It’s a noble role that comes with immense responsibility, especially when your loved ones are
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Turning Knowledge into Action: From “I Know What to Do” to “I’m Doing It”

We’ve all been there, standing at the crossroads of knowledge and action. You’ve read the books, watched the videos, and absorbed all the advice on living a healthier life. You know what to
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Navigating the Health and Wellness Maze: Unraveling Fads, Myths, and Reality

By Dr. Matthew Kulka In today’s dynamic world of health and wellness, where trends and information abound, it’s crucial to distinguish between what’s genuinely beneficial and what’s just a fleeting fad. In this
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Physician with handful of vitamins

Dr. Kulka’s advice on Supplements

Green Tea and Other Nutritional Supplements – Helpful or Hurtful?  I want to tell you about some important information related to dietary, nutrition and health supplements that you may have tried, thought about
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Dr. Kulka’s 5 Food Rules

As a practicing physician, I get the chance to speak to patients daily about the decisions they make when eating. I always tell them the best way to eat is to plan a
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Women in gym with weights

Is Diet More Important than Exercise for Weight Loss?

In my professional experience as a physician, I’ve noticed that many people who struggle to lose weight devote too much time to the treadmill, not the salad bar.  As I tell my patients, “Six-pack
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The Science behind Wegovy and other new GLP-1 weight loss meds.

Everyone wants the secret to weight loss, and drugs are often seen as an easy shortcut, though they may provide significant consequences.  One drug that many of my patients have asked me about
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Introducing the New Seriously Simple Steps Program

Are you struggling to lose weight? Have you tried several different diets only to be disappointed? Dr. Mathew Kulka has created a sustainable weight loss program designed to deliver long-term results.  Seriously Simple
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What You Need to Know about Diabetes Type 2

We all know someone who has it. Diabetes type 2 is common and seems like an epidemic these days, but what exactly is it, and what can we do about it? First, it’s
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Man with an exercise plan

Make A New Year’s Plan Instead Of A Resolution

Forget the New Year’s “Resolution” to eat healthier….Instead make a New Year’s “Plan” to actually do it!
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Do This in December

We just finished a big holiday with family and friends. I am sure most of us had healthy portions of turkey, stuffing and just a few tastes of the deserts. I hope that
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Dr. Kulka’s Healthy Thanksgiving Tips

This is the time of year to eat! It starts next week with Thanksgiving and doesn’t seem to end until the new year begins, and then you start to regret all that you
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Nuts about Nuts

A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine about the benefits of nut consumption revealed that a handful of nuts a day could decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and
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Confessions of a Former Vegetarian

A few years back, I decided to try a vegetarian diet for a week. One week turned into six months of a primarily vegan diet (no meat, no fish, no milk products.) Then
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What is the big deal with GMOs?

GMOS or genetically modified organisms are living organisms or things that have been genetically altered for specific purposes and used in the food, pharmaceutical and other scientific based industries. I mostly refer to
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Probiotics: What Are They? Should I? Shouldn’t I?

We all have bacteria and other microorganisms in our gut or gastrointestinal systems. They normally live in our stomachs and intestines. We actually could not live without them. The good bacteria help us
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Flu Shot ?

These are the most common excuses people give when trying to refuse the flu shot in my office:  “I don’t need a flu shot because I don’t get sick.” and  “But, my friend
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Sugar = Heart Disease

A Study Finds Adding Simple Carbs/Sugars to Your Diet Increases Risk of Heart Disease The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study showing that added sugar in diets causes an
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Stressed Out? Try Exercise and Meditation!

Most of us feel some level of stress nearly every day, but there are natural and healthy ways to help quell these feelings of anxiety.
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Not All Bread is Bad

If you’ve been following my blog, you are probably well aware that for a healthy diet and gut I recommend keeping processed and other simple carbohydrates to a minimum. These carbohydrates include bread.
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The Truth About Calories

It might surprise you to learn that not all calories are created equal. Get the scoop on which foods have “good” (i.e., nutrient-rich) calories and which types of calories you might want to
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Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise

Looking for a reason to begin a new exercise regimen? Here are 10 ways that exercise improves your overall health.
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10 Healthy Snack Ideas for Work, Home and Travel

Eating healthfully is all about being prepared, and that includes having healthy snacks on hand to eat between meals. Here are 10 of my favorites.
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Vegetable Pasta? Really?

You’ve heard about the vegetable noodle trend – you may have even seen them in the store. If you are skeptical, like I was, about substituting veggie pasta for your traditional grain-based pasta,
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How Much Water Should I Drink Everyday?

You’ve heard the six to eight glasses a day rule, but is that really accurate for everyone? Learn how much you need to drink in order to stay hydrated, as well as the
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