Introducing the New Seriously Simple Steps Program

Introducing the New Seriously Simple Steps Program

Are you struggling to lose weight? Have you tried several different diets only to be disappointed? Dr. Mathew Kulka has created a sustainable weight loss program designed to deliver long-term results.  Seriously Simple Steps is a step-by-step weight loss program designed to help you adopt healthy eating habits and gradually lose weight over the long term. Unlike rapid weight loss plans, Seriously Simple Steps is designed to prevent rebound weight gain.  You don’t start in the deep end when you learn how to swim. But, unfortunately, that’s what so many diets force people to do to lose weight. Instead, Seriously Simple Steps allows people to gradually incorporate healthy eating habits and educates them on better decision-making to lose weight slowly and sustainably.  Back by 20 years of physician experience and leading medical science, Seriously Simple Steps is engineered to program your body’s inner computer to work for you to lose weight and not against you.  There are no gimmicks or fad diets; every step is backed by nutrition science and guaranteed to make a positive difference in your life. Discover the Seriously Simple Steps advantage and how it can work for you. 

What Is Seriously Simple Steps (S3)?

Seriously Simple Steps is a ten-step weight loss program followed one step at a time over ten weeks designed to change how you eat and think about weight loss, nutrition, and health. Every week incorporates a new step to adjust your body and brain to each new lifestyle habit. S3 is based on simple steps like we’re used to from school, so users can gradually adopt new lifestyle habits that other weight loss plans throw at them all at once. In addition, S3 is an all-in-one weight loss program that doesn’t rely on expensive meal plans or protein shakes but addresses the following:
  • What you eat
  • How you eat
  • When you eat
  • Other lifestyle choices that impact health

Why It Works?

Dr. Matthew Kulka developed S3 over 20 years of physician practice after watching patients struggle to keep weight off during their weight loss plans. Unfortunately, many diet plans only work as long as you stick with them.

However, the knowledge learned in Seriously Simple Steps will stay with you forever. And by slowly allowing individuals to adopt new and healthy habits one step at a time, they reach those significant milestones in their weight loss journey without giving up or abandoning their plan. 

For this reason, S3 is the only fully personalized weight loss plan available so that you adopt each change as it makes the most sense to your lifestyle. 

Using the latest science surrounding nutrition and health, Dr. Matthew Kulka engineered this program to help individuals meet calorie goals, monitor their metabolism, and program their bodies to shed weight through natural processes. 

S3 doesn’t cheat the body like other diet plans but utilizes natural processes to maximize your weight loss results. 

By applying physician knowledge and a physician’s approach to helping people lose weight, S3 puts people in control of their weight loss. 

Plus, all information learned in the S3 program can be used for life and even taught to others, free of charge–making you the expert!

Benefits of S3

  • Programs the body’s inner computer to work for you and not against you.
  • Sustainable results without rebound weight gain.
  • Focuses on the habits of eating to address root concerns.
  • Simple and sticky steps adopted one step at a time to make your goals easier to reach.
  • Science-backed steps based on 20+ years of physician experience. 
  • Educates users on nutrition science to put them in control of their weight loss journey.
  • All steps can be relearned at any time and taught to others.
  • Offers practical meal prep advice to resist temptations and cravings.
  • Includes practical tools, like weight trackers and BMR caPrograms the body’s inner computer to work for you and not against you.

Why It's Different?

Independence and Control

So many diets force users to become dependent on expensive meals and protein shakes. However, psychology tells us that one reason users struggle with obesity is that they lack self-control in many areas of their life.

S3 is different because it teaches users how to take control of their diet by educating them on the science of nutrition and how to make healthier decisions. 

S3 users have complete control over their diet and eating habits while using what they learn in the program to make healthier decisions. 

No Fads

S3 is not keto, paleo, or a restrictive diet or meal plan. Instead, S3 focuses on healthy habit formation that helps prevent overeating and incorporates the best part of these diets to educate you on the best meal and snack decisions. 

By taking a holistic and 360-degree approach to nutrition and weight loss, S3 addresses the root causes of obesity and ensures that rebound weight never comes back. 

Nutrition Education

S3 provides nutrition education on eating habits, macronutrients, how to calculate your BMR, and much more so that users are best prepared to make healthy decisions, whether it’s at the grocery store or restaurant. Learn how to read labels that will change the way you look and choose food products forever and when the best time to eat is so you can maximize your fat-burning capabilities. 

Sticky Steps

Each step of the program can be slowly adopted over time and relearned if you ever mess up so that you are always progressing toward your goals. 

Lifetime Value/One-Time Purchase

All information purchased in the S3 course and program can be used for life and all for a one-time purchase. 

Take the First Step Today​

One of my favorite quotes is by Lao Tzu, who said, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 

Just taking the first step along this ten-step journey can change your life forever and give you the knowledge you need to take back control of your weight and your body. 

Find out more about the S3 Program and Why It Works to Take the First Step

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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

What You Need to Know about Diabetes Type 2

What You Need to Know about Diabetes Type 2

We all know someone who has it. Diabetes type 2 is common and seems like an epidemic these days, but what exactly is it, and what can we do about it?

First, it’s essential to understand the fundamental differences between diabetes type 1 and 2. Type 1 diabetes is most commonly a childhood disease caused by a lack of insulin production in the pancreas. Insulin drives glucose (sugar) into the body’s organs and cells for energy. If insulin is not produced, glucose builds up in the bloodstream, which can become toxic. Patients who develop type 1 always require insulin treatment by injection. Most type 1 patients develop the disease in childhood, though some acquire it later.

Type 2 diabetes has the same outcome but by a different mechanism. It occurs when the body becomes resistant to the insulin the pancreas produces and does not normally respond to it. The pancreas may try to overcompensate by making more until it effectively becomes useless in meaningful insulin production. Oral medications have been designed to decrease insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes patients. In progressive severe cases of type 2, oral medications can become ineffective and synthetic insulin injection is required.

Both diabetes types result in similar complications. People with uncontrolled diabetes often develop cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, visual loss, blindness, and neurological issues. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness and kidney failure in this country. Symptoms of diabetes include increased urination, thirst and hunger, weight loss, and weakness      Severe cases, in those who do not seek medical attention when symptoms progress, can result in a diabetic coma.

Now that I may have scared you, let me tell you the good news: These problems can be significantly reduced, and risks avoided if diabetes is controlled and managed by the patient and his or her physician. As a practicing physician, I see most type 2 diabetes develop over time in the patients that come in yearly for well-checks. I find that they become pre-diabetic before diabetes occurs. For example, a person may present to the office after obtaining fasting labs (lab blood tests performed after the patient has not eaten anything for a period of time) with a recorded blood glucose level of 115.

A normal fasting blood sugar is anything less than 100 and diabetes is defined as a blood glucose level greater than 126. This person is pre-diabetic (blood glucose between 100-126) and obviously is at risk for developing diabetes at any time.

At a reported score of 115, I would immediately start the pre-diabetic patient on several lifestyle changes, including a diabetic diet and exercise program. In most cases, we would be able to reverse the disease process and at the very least, prolong the process of converting into full-blown diabetes. Even in those people who do end up developing diabetes, if they dedicate themselves to following this type of healthy diet and exercising program, I can state with a strong level of certainty as a doctor, they will at the very least require less medication, develop fewer complications from the disease and prolong the time frame whereby they may require insulin.

Most often, type 2 diabetes develops in people who are overweight. The facts are staggering today: 60% of the U.S. population is overweight, and 30% are obese. It is estimated that up to 50% of the population may develop diabetes because of the overweight and obesity epidemic. I’ve been blogging and talking about reducing sugar intake and the number of simple carbs (bread, pasta, rice, cereal), while increasing complex carbs (including various fruits and vegetables), nuts, and other naturally occurring foods in our diets. Making these diet changes will decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, reduce other weight-related disorders, help people maintain a healthy weight, and make them feel great.

If those with diabetes or those at risk for diabetes follow this advice and an exercise program, they will successfully decrease the chances of diabetic complications. They will also reduce the number of medications required to control the disease and possibly reverse the process altogether. The best part is you will save money on medications, doctor visits, and testing. True story…. I promise!

If you enjoyed learning more about this topic, you may also want to read my (Dr. Kulka) review of the Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise

Medical Disclaimer
The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider.

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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.