Navigating the World of Low-Cal Drinks: Your Guide to Healthier Beverage Choices

Navigating the World of Low-Cal Drinks: Your Guide to Healthier Beverage Choices

Are you trying to cut back on sugary beverages but still looking for something satisfying to quench your thirst? With the myriad of low-calorie options available today, choosing the right drink can be overwhelming. Let’s explore some popular choices and learn what to look for in terms of calories, sugars, and artificial ingredients to make healthier beverage decisions.

1. Sparkling Water Alternatives:

Sparkling waters are a fantastic option for those who enjoy the fizzy texture of soda but want to avoid the calories and sugars. For instance:

– Liquid Death: This brand offers sparkling water that is completely calorie-free and contains no sugars or artificial sweeteners.

– LaCroix: Another popular choice, LaCroix sparkling waters are also free of calories, sugars, and artificial ingredients, available in a variety of natural flavors.

– Bubly: Similar to the others, Bubly provides a zero-calorie, zero-sugar drink with no artificial sweeteners, available in flavors like cherry, lime, and grapefruit.

2. Low-Carb Beverage Choices:

Reducing carbohydrate intake doesn’t mean you have to give up flavorful drinks:

– Bai Antioxidant Infusions: Each serving contains only 10 calories and 1-2 grams of sugar, thanks to the sweeteners erythritol and stevia. It’s a great choice for a low-carb, flavorful hydration option.

– Pure Leaf Unsweetened Tea: Completely free of calories and sugars, this tea is an excellent choice for those looking for a simple, healthy drink.

– Tejava: A purely micro-brewed black tea, offering zero calories and no added ingredients, perfect for those avoiding any sugar.

3. Flavored Powder Mixes:

Convenient and portable, these mixes can transform plain water into a flavorful beverage:

– Crystal Light: A popular brand that offers a variety of flavors like lemonade and raspberry ice, typically containing 5-10 calories per serving with artificial sweeteners such as aspartame.

– True Lemon: Provides crystallized citrus flavor packets with zero calories and no artificial sweeteners, a healthier choice among powder mixes.

Making Informed Choices:

Always read the label for nutritional facts:

  • Artificial sweeteners to watch for include aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin, which might be concerning for some individuals.
  • Natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit extract can be preferable but should still be consumed in moderation.
  • Be aware of the serving size; some beverages might seem low in calories per serving but can add up if consuming multiple servings.

Choosing low-calorie drinks doesn’t mean you have to compromise on taste or enjoyment. By understanding the nutritional content and being mindful of what’s in your beverages, you can make choices that fit your health and dietary needs. Remember, hydration is key, and while these low-cal options are great, nothing replaces good old-fashioned water for maintaining optimal hydration.

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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

Honored to be quoted in EatingWell’s “6 “Bad” Carbs to Support Your Brain Health, Recommended by Health Experts”

Honored to be quoted in EatingWell’s “6 “Bad” Carbs to Support Your Brain Health, Recommended by Health Experts”

I was delighted to contribute to the recent article in EATINGNWELL about carbohydrates that are actually considered healthy and support brain health, as recognized by multiple medical experts. The article was also piMaintaining brain health is vital for overall well-being, as the brain serves as the command center for the body’s functions. Various lifestyle habits, including regular exercise, sufficient sleep, stress management, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities, contribute to optimal brain function. Additionally, incorporating specific nutrients into the diet, such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and B vitamins, can support brain health and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Authored by Lauren Manaker M.S., RDN, the article emphasizes the importance of understanding carbohydrates’ role in brain health., often vilified in certain dietary trends like keto, are essential for brain health as they provide glucose, the brain’s primary energy source. However, not all carbs are created equal, and options high in added sugars may have adverse effects on brain health by promoting inflammation and oxidative stress. Contrary to popular belief, some carb-containing foods traditionally considered “bad” for brain health actually offer benefits when consumed in moderation.

Six “bad” carbs that can support brain health include potatoes, prunes, honey, whole-grain bread, brown rice, and enriched grains. These foods provide essential nutrients such as potassium, antioxidants, fiber, and B vitamins, which contribute to cognitive function and overall brain health. Incorporating a variety of nutritious foods, including these surprising carb sources, into the diet can help maintain brain health and support cognitive function in the long term This popular article has also been picked up by Yahoo and MSN, further spreading awareness about the importance of these foods for brain health.

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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

Navigating the Holidays: A 2023 Guide to Healthy Celebrations

Navigating the Holidays: A 2023 Guide to Healthy Celebrations

As we find ourselves once again at the brink of the holiday season, it’s time to revisit some timeless tips from the past and incorporate a new challenge for a healthier, more mindful holiday season. Let’s merge the wisdom of last year’s advice with a fresh approach to ensure that this festive season leaves us feeling satisfied and guilt-free.



Pre-Holiday Feast Wisdom:

The timeless advice of not starving yourself before the grand Thanksgiving feast remains essential. Skipping meals in anticipation of indulgence can lead to overeating. This year, let’s carry this wisdom forward and set a positive tone for the entire holiday season.

Portion Control and Moderation:

Portion control is still critical, especially during a season filled with tempting treats. While savoring holiday favorites, maintain a sense of moderation. Remember, enjoying a variety of dishes is encouraged, but listening to your body and stopping when you feel full remains key.

The Nutritional Power of Nuts:

Continuing the theme of everything in moderation, the benefits of nut consumption highlighted in last year’s article still hold. Incorporating a handful of nuts into your daily routine can contribute to heart health and longevity. Whether peanuts or assorted tree nuts, the advantages are significant. Read my article “Nuts About Nuts” for more amazing benefits of adding nuts to our regular diet.

Balanced Holiday Plate:

The emphasis on a well-balanced meal comprising turkey, vegetables, grains, and cranberry sauce continues to be a guiding principle. Variety remains the key to a nutrient-rich feast.

New Challenge: December Exercise Challenge:

Recognizing the common trend of letting health resolutions slide until the New Year, this year’s challenge is to embrace a daily exercise routine. I threw out a similar challenge in December of 2022.   Research has shown that postponing health goals until January often results in undesired weight gain. By committing to 20-30 minutes of exercise every day, you not only prevent the December pitfalls but also kickstart the New Year on a positive note.

Exercise Variety and Planning:

Your exercise routine can be as simple as a morning walk, a gym session, or following online exercise videos. The key is consistency. Plan your daily exercise, treating it as a non-negotiable aspect of your routine, just like eating, working, and sleeping.

Holistic Well-being:

Remember, a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind. By taking care of yourself through regular exercise and mindful eating, you enhance your overall well-being. This, in turn, positively influences how you manage other aspects of your life.

Holiday Wisdom Recap:

As you indulge in the festivities, revisit the wisdom of crowding out high-calorie foods with veggies and salad, putting leftovers away promptly, and savoring treats in moderation.

Wishing You a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! Let this year be a balance of cherished traditions and a commitment to well-being. Happy Holidays, and may the coming year be filled with health and happiness!

Medical Disclaimer

The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider.

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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

Self-Care for Medical Caregivers: Nurturing Yourself While Caring for Loved Ones

Self-Care for Medical Caregivers: Nurturing Yourself While Caring for Loved Ones

As a medical caregiver, your days are often dedicated to tending to the health and well-being of others. It’s a noble role that comes with immense responsibility, especially when your loved ones are ill. However, amidst the flurry of medical appointments, prescriptions, and providing emotional support, it’s crucial not to forget one person’s well-being: your own.

Here are some insights and strategies for practicing self-care while being a caregiver for your loved ones:

1. Prioritize Your Physical Health:
   – Ensure that you’re eating well, staying hydrated, and getting enough rest. Remember, you can’t offer your best care if you’re not well yourself.

2. Reach Out for Support:
   – Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it’s assistance from friends, family, or support groups, sharing the caregiving role can ease your burden.

3. Emotional Self-Care:
   – Your emotional well-being is just as vital as your physical health. Find a trusted friend, therapist, or support group to share your feelings and concerns.

4. Set Boundaries:
   – It’s essential to create boundaries. As a caregiver, you may be tempted to do everything. Recognize your limits, delegate when possible, and say no when needed.

5. Take Short Breaks:
   – Even in the busiest days, try to take a few moments for yourself. A short walk, a few deep breaths, or a cup of tea can provide brief but valuable respite.

6. Accept Imperfection:
   – Understand that you’re human and not infallible. There may be times when you can’t fix everything or when your loved one’s condition doesn’t improve. Accept these realities without shouldering guilt.

7. Seek Professional Help:
   – Caregiver burnout is real. If you find yourself overwhelmed, stressed, or depressed, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Therapists and counselors can provide guidance and support.

8. Plan for the Future:
   – As challenging as it may be, consider planning for the future. Discuss medical and caregiving arrangements with your loved one. Having a plan in place can ease the stress of unexpected situations.

9. Stay Informed:
   – Being well-informed about your loved one’s condition can help you make decisions more confidently. However, be mindful not to get overwhelmed by excessive information.

10. Connect with Others:
    – Sharing your experiences and concerns with others who are in similar situations can be incredibly comforting. Consider joining a caregiving support group.

Being a medical caregiver is both an act of love and a significant responsibility. Remember, by taking care of yourself, you’re not being selfish; you’re ensuring you’re in the best shape to care for those who depend on you. The stronger and healthier you are, the more effective your caregiving will be. In the end, self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.If you’re a caregiver in need of support, consider exploring the resources available to caregivers in your area or connecting with a healthcare professional who can offer guidance tailored to your specific needs. Your health and well-being matter too.

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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

Turning Knowledge into Action: From “I Know What to Do” to “I’m Doing It”

We’ve all been there, standing at the crossroads of knowledge and action. You’ve read the books, watched the videos, and absorbed all the advice on living a healthier life. You know what to do, but somehow, it often stops there. The gap between knowledge and action can be wide, but it’s a bridge worth crossing. In this blog, we’ll explore how to transform the common statement “I know what to do” into a resounding “I’m doing it” on your journey to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Understanding the Knowledge-Action Gap:

“I know what to do” is a phrase that signifies awareness. It means you’re informed about the steps necessary for better health, whether it’s eating well, exercising regularly, managing stress, or getting quality sleep. But here’s the catch: knowing what to do doesn’t automatically translate into doing it. The gap between knowledge and action is where many wellness aspirations falter.

Breaking Down Barriers:

  1. Setting Clear Goals: Start by defining your health and wellness goals. Make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Clear goals provide direction and motivation.
  2. Understanding Motivation: Examine your reasons for wanting to make a change. Motivation is a driving force, but it varies from person to person. Whether it’s improving your energy levels, reducing health risks, or feeling more confident, knowing your “why” can inspire action.
  3. Planning and Prioritizing: Once you’ve set your goals, create a plan. Break it down into manageable steps and prioritize them. What can you start with today? This approach prevents feeling overwhelmed.
  4. Accountability: Share your goals with a friend, family member, or a coach. Accountability can boost your commitment to action. Consider using a journal or an app to track your progress.
  5. Embracing Imperfection: Understand that progress is rarely linear. There will be setbacks and challenges. Don’t let perfectionism hold you back. Celebrate small wins and learn from slip-ups.

From “I Know What to Do” to “I’m Doing It”:

  1. Nutrition: You know what a balanced diet looks like, but now it’s time to fill your kitchen with nutritious foods, plan meals, and practice portion control.
  2. Exercise: Understanding the benefits of physical activity is crucial. But it’s the regular workouts, even on days when motivation is low, that transform knowledge into results.
  3. Stress Management: You’ve read about stress reduction techniques. Now, it’s about scheduling relaxation practices into your daily routine.
  4. Sleep: Knowing about the importance of sleep is one thing; creating a sleep-conducive environment and adhering to a consistent sleep schedule is another.

Celebrating Progress:

As you transition from knowing what to do to actually doing it, remember to celebrate your progress. Every small step you take brings you closer to your wellness goals. Share your achievements with others; their support can be a powerful motivator.

Unlock Your Potential with S3:

Turning knowledge into action is a monumental step toward better health. If you’re looking for a structured approach to help you master these habits, consider Seriously Simple Steps (S3). Our program specializes in habit mastery, transforming your “I know what to do” into “I am doing it” consistently. Sign up for S3 today and make your wellness aspirations your reality.

“I know what to do” is an excellent starting point, but it’s the action that truly matters on your journey to improved health and well-being. By setting clear goals, breaking down barriers, and embracing progress, you can turn your knowledge into transformative action. So, don’t just know it – do it, and watch your wellness aspirations become your reality.

Navigating the Health and Wellness Maze: Unraveling Fads, Myths, and Reality

By Dr. Matthew Kulka

In today’s dynamic world of health and wellness, where trends and information abound, it’s crucial to distinguish between what’s genuinely beneficial and what’s just a fleeting fad. In this pursuit of clarity, let’s debunk some common myths and shed light on the reality that truly matters.

The Lemon Water Myth: A Refreshing Illusion

Lemon water has gained popularity as a supposed weight loss remedy. While it provides hydration and a tangy kick, it’s not a secret shortcut to shedding pounds. Sustainable weight management hinges on a balanced approach that encompasses proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Detox Diets: Navigating the Detox Delusion

Detox diets often promise to purge toxins from the body. However, it’s important to remember that our bodies are already equipped with efficient detoxification systems, mainly managed by the liver and kidneys. Extreme detox diets can lead to nutritional deficiencies and potential health risks. Prioritizing a well-rounded diet and hydration is key to supporting the body’s natural detox mechanisms.

Tea-Tox Teas: The Temptation of Quick Fixes

Tea-tox teas market themselves as solutions to counteract unhealthy eating habits. But the reality is, no tea can undo the effects of consistently poor dietary choices. Genuine health stems from adopting a sustainable approach to nutrition, rather than relying on quick fixes.

Quick-Fix Workouts: Beyond the Mirage

The allure of rapid fitness transformations through short, intense workouts is appealing. However, it’s important to understand that lasting fitness requires a consistent commitment to regular exercise. Quick-fix routines can’t replicate the benefits of gradual, consistent physical activity.

Overnight Transformations: Embracing the Journey

In an era of instant gratification, the allure of immediate transformations is strong. But the truth is, real change takes time, dedication, and patience. Sustainable health improvements come from steady, lasting shifts in habits and behaviors.

Crash Diets: Unmasking the Downsides

Crash diets offer rapid weight loss but often sacrifice vital nutrients and overall well-being. True health arises from a balanced diet that provides essential nourishment and sustains the body’s vitality.

Miracle Supplements: Enhancing, Not Replacing

While supplements have their merits, they can’t replace the nutritional value of whole foods. Relying solely on supplements neglects the array of nutrients present in a diverse, nutrient-rich diet.

Extreme Challenges: Striking a Balance

Extreme challenges might grab attention, but their feasibility in everyday life is limited. Balancing the pursuit of ambitious goals with overall well-being is crucial to avoid exhaustion and potential injuries.


As we navigate the intricate landscape of health and wellness, it’s essential to make choices rooted in evidence-based practices. Prioritize sustainable habits, including balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and thoughtful choices. Rather than succumbing to fleeting trends, choose the path of long-term health and wellness by making informed decisions that resonate with your well-being.

If you enjoyed learning from this article, you may like to read Dr. Kulka’s 5 Food Rules For A Better Diet.

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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

Dr. Kulka’s advice on Supplements

Physician with handful of vitamins

Dr. Kulka’s advice on Supplements

Green Tea and Other Nutritional Supplements – Helpful or Hurtful?

 I want to tell you about some important information related to dietary, nutrition and health supplements that you may have tried, thought about trying, or know someone who has tried them. This information has recently come to the forefront of the news media. Perhaps you have read about it already?

First, all supplements may not be bad for you or particularly harmful, and some may benefit your health. Having said that, however, I also need to inform you that the supplement market is poorly regulated. Supplement manufacturers are not required to study their products, identify warnings, list side effects, or adhere to strict standards regarding dosage variability from bottle to bottle.

The FDA does not monitor dietary or health supplements, and they are not required to claim that the products are intended for any particular condition. There are often misleading statements on the labels, and consumers cannot rely on the FDA to confirm the claims because the FDA is not overseeing the process.

New York Times reported, “Spike in Harm to Liver is Tied to Dietary Aids,”

A New York Times article noted, “Spike in Harm to Liver is Tied to Dietary Aids,” revealed that several people taking green tea extract developed serious liver toxicity and one child, who was taking the extract in hopes of losing weight, ended up requiring a liver transplant due to overt liver failure from this supplement. The article explains that the FDA estimated that up to 20% of all severe liver injuries treated in one recent hospital network study were attributed to over-the-counter supplement ingestion.

Cases of Supplement-Induced Organ Damage.

In my medical practice, I have seen cases of supplement-induced organ damage. I treated several cases of kidney injury in boys and young men taking over-the-counter protein powders intended as muscle-building supplements for weight lifting. I’ve also seen liver failure from Kava Kava and numerous cases of GERD and other GI issues from multivitamins.

Say what you will about the pharmaceutical industry in the United States and the overprescribing of many substances. Still, the FDA is very stringent in its guidelines to approve the medication for the public. The FDA in this country is much more stringent than most European versions. This regulating body makes manufacturers prove that their products clearly benefit over the harm they may cause for the indicated and intended medical usage. The FDA makes the manufacturers label their products with warnings of interactions and possible side effects. They continually update products and warnings as the public reports cases.  

None of this takes place regarding over-the-counter supplements you see on the shelf in the pharmacy or supermarket. Think about that the next time you look through the aisle and see dozens of bottles of Vitamin B, C, and D, green tea extract, amino acids, and protein powders. While I sometimes recommend nutritional supplements, I stick to the ones backed up by medical science clinical studies, outcomes, and known benefits. I also have the ability to understand the side effects and interactions with other medications.   

Manufacturer Claims Often Misleading & Interactions With Prescription Medications

Many vitamins, such as vitamin K, interact with blood thinners. St John’s Wort can affect the dosages of certain prescription medications, and others can interact with other prescription medications or medical conditions. I would always suggest that people discuss their supplements or thoughts about particular supplements with their physician and not rely solely on the manufacturer’s claims or ANY Internet-based information as they are often misleading or outright wrong.  

Drinking green tea would most likely be better than taking a concentrated green tea extract that has not been clinically studied and has already been found to cause liver toxicity. Over the last few years, I have become very fond of a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, and natural grains as a source of vitamins and minerals. You can get a plethora of micronutrients from these food groups with proven benefits without risking deleterious side effects. This diet crushes any benefit you think you may be getting from a standard over-the-counter multivitamin that has never been shown to have a significant beneficial overall effect.

Overall, diet and exercise are the best paths to fitness. Read which one I think helps more.

Medical Disclaimer
The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider.



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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

Dr. Kulka’s 5 Food Rules

Dr. Kulka’s 5 Food Rules

As a practicing physician, I get the chance to speak to patients daily about the decisions they make when eating. I always tell them the best way to eat is to plan a day in advance, which is part of my S3 program’s guidance. However, there are 5 simple things you can do to help make better eating decisions:

  1. Avoid most products that are packaged in a bag: If it’s in a bag it’s usually processed and full of carbs. This includes pretzels, chips, cookies, and crackers. If you absolutely need your carb fix then pick up the 100-calorie small individual snack bags. These will limit your intake while satisfying your craving. A rare exception to this rule is fresh-bagged veggies or real fruit (carrots & apple wedges.) I do not mean bags of processed dried fruits and veggies!
  2.  Pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread products: Instead have fresh fruit, veggies, salads, and lean meat. Stay away from the buns and bread before dinner while eating out.
  3. Ice cream and frozen yogurt: Instead try a healthy fruit and veggie smoothie and add chocolate or vanilla protein powder for that sweet taste. Consider frozen blended bananas. They taste better than frozen banana yogurt.
  4. Breakfast cereal: Most cereals are full of processed carbs that offer little nutrients. Cereals also inadvertently cause insulin spikes that induce hunger. Instead try Greek yogurt or steel cut oatmeal with fruit and nuts in the morning.
  5. Processed foods: Processed foods generally lack the thousands of nutrients found in natural foods. If it grows in nature then it’s likely healthy and good to eat. These are foods like veggies and fruits, which are full of vitamins and minerals. Eat them all day, feel great and watch the pounds shed away.

Use these tips daily and they will become part of your subconscious eating decisions routine. If you enjoyed this article, please read my thoughts on whether exercise or diet is more important for weight loss.

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Enter your email below and I’ll send you delicious recipes, articles, and tips to get control of your health and simple steps to maintain it.

Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

Is Diet More Important than Exercise for Weight Loss?

Women in gym with weights

Is Diet More Important than Exercise for Weight Loss?

In my professional experience as a physician, I’ve noticed that many people who struggle to lose weight devote too much time to the treadmill, not the salad bar. 

As I tell my patients, “Six-pack abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.”

Common sense leads you to think that exercise is enough to burn excess calories, but many people are surprised to learn how little calories exercise actually burns. 

While some sources differ, the average person only burns around 100 calories per mile of running. That means you would have to run about 2 miles to burn off one Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut (240 calories).

The unfortunate truth is that if exercise were enough to help people lose weight, many wouldn’t struggle. Top this off with cheat days which people think they earn from hitting the treadmill or fad diets that encourage indulgence, and it’s very easy to self-sabotage your weight loss journey. 

So let’s discuss why diet is more important than exercise for weight loss and a formula to combine diet with exercise to compound your weight loss results. 

The Problem with Prioritizing Exercise Over Diet

According to a meta-analysis of several studies, scientists found that energy levels and expenditure did not correlate with weight loss in children

The primary problem with prioritizing exercise over your diet is that exercise is often insufficient to create the caloric deficit required for weight loss. 

For example, suppose the average person burns 1500 calories daily through natural metabolism and an added 300 through vigorous jogging. In that case, they will need to consume less than 1800 calories to lose any weight. 

However, the average American consumes around a whopping 3600 calories daily

If you’re not counting your calories, no amount of exercise will allow you to shed weight if you’re consuming the average American diet. 

Exercise may also increase your appetite and cause many people to overindulge, thinking they have earned it. 

Lessons Learned:

  • Exercise burns fewer calories than you think.
  • Relying solely on exercise without counting calories makes it difficult to reach a deficit. 
  • Exercise may increase appetite and cause overeating. 
  • Maintaining vigorous exercise is incredibly difficult (and sometimes dangerous). 

Why Is Diet More Important for Weight Loss?

It may be true that we live more sedentary lives, but a more significant concern is the number of processed foods and sweets we consume. 

The main problem with the average can of cola, which is around 182 calories, is not that it’s high in calories but that it’s designed to make us hungrier. One NIH study found that ultra-processed foods like soda and candy trigger the hunger hormone ghrelin, which may lead to overeating. 

Furthermore, processed foods lack complex carbs, fiber, and protein and are easily processed, making it more difficult to feel satiated after consuming them. 

It’s also important to point out that processed foods lead to gut inflammation and are linked to depression, which may impact eating habits, digestion, and energy levels, leading to greater inactivity. 

One way I’ve heard it described is that the amount of food you eat (i.e., calories) impacts how you look, but what you eat impacts how you feel (i.e., energy). In turn, eating crappy foods that make you feel crappy forces you to supplement your depression and exhaustion with more foods, continuing the cycle!

Eating fiber-rich foods will help you feel fuller longer and suppresses ghrelin and insulin levels, so you don’t have as many cravings! 

Additionally, it’s estimated that 10-20% of the calories we burn are through digestion. So consuming more protein, which has a higher thermic effect than carbs (10-25% compared to 5%), boosts metabolism and helps you transfer fat to muscle growth. 

Lessons Learned:

  • The foods you eat impact how full and hungry you feel. 
  • Eating foods rich in fiber suppresses hunger and makes you eat less. 
  • Protein-rich foods boost metabolism. 
  • Nutritionally-dense foods improve organ function and digestion, which impacts energy levels. 

What Is the 80/20 Rule for Weight Loss?

So what is the right formula of diet and exercise required to lose weight? 

Clearly, exercise has several benefits for weight loss, including boosting metabolism, lowering blood pressure and insulin levels, and aiding us in sleep–another important factor in weight loss. 

However, diet is still more important. But how much more important?

Generally, I like to promote the 80/20 rule of weight loss or the Pareto Principle–which can be applied to many things. 

The standard 80/20 rule of nutrition is that you should eat a clean diet 80% of the time and allow for indulgence in the other 20%.

However, we can also adapt this rule to weight loss and say that diet accounts for 80% of weight loss results and exercise the other 20%. 

In the example above, if the average person burns about 300 calories through cardio, they have increased their ability to achieve a calorie deficit by 20% (considering the average BMR is 1500 calories). However, maintaining a strict diet will be required for the other 80% of the day to achieve their goals.

Another way of thinking about it is the number of opportunities you have in a day to shed weight. For example, if you only go to the gym once a day but eat 2-3 meals a day, plus 2-3 snacks, exercise accounts for around 20% of the number of times you influence your caloric intake

To achieve the best weight loss results, focus 80% of your effort on eating clean meals and the other 20% on slightly boosting your metabolism through regular exercise. 

By following this rule, you can reduce the intensity of your workouts to walks and low-impact exercises while simply reducing the amount you eat to achieve better weight loss results. 

Lessons Learned:

  • Combining diet and weight loss allows you to maximize your weight loss results.
  • Diet should require 80% of your focus.
  • Average exercise (~30-60 minutes per day) only has a 20% impact on your BMR.
  • Following the 80/20 rule allows you to engage in low-impact exercises and still lose weight. 

Other Considerations for Weight Loss

As anyone who has followed my S3 program can attest, weight loss is a trend and not a straight line. No simple workout or diet pill can get us the sustainable results we need. 

I like to stress to my patients that our metabolism is linked to a matrix of factors, including our:

  • Sleep
  • Muscle mass
  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Gender
  • Environment
  • Hormones
  • Stress

Fortunately, diet and exercise can positively influence these factors, resulting in overall wellness and higher metabolism for weight loss. 

Overall, the best way to achieve sustainable weight loss is to practice wellness, eat a clean diet, and exercise regularly. Over time, you can program the body to work for you and not against you. 


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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.

The Science behind Wegovy and other new GLP-1 weight loss meds.

The Science behind Wegovy and other new GLP-1 weight loss meds.

Everyone wants the secret to weight loss, and drugs are often seen as an easy shortcut, though they may provide significant consequences. 

One drug that many of my patients have asked me about lately and which has been making headways across the media is the rise of injectable GLP-1 agonists for weight loss. 

However, only two GLP-1 agonists, Wegovy and Saxenda, have been approved by the FDA for weight loss, while many GLP-1 agonists are primarily used to regulate blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. 

With that said, there are many questions surrounding this new class of drugs. Do GLP-1 agonists work for weight loss? Can non-diabetics take these weight loss injections? 

Let’s dispel the mystery behind GLP-1 agonists and determine whether these injections are right for you and your weight loss journey. 

What Are GLP-1 Agonists?

GLP-1 agonists mimic the same function as glucagon-like peptides, which are hormones secreted in the intestines that increase insulin levels and suppress glucagon secretion. 

Insulin helps cells absorb glucose to power your body, while glucagon is a hormone responsible for raising blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, people who struggle with diabetes have higher insulin resistance which allows glucose to build up in the blood leading to hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia can lead to several adverse outcomes, including increased hunger and thirst. 

How Do GLP-1 Agonists Work?

GLP-1 agonists mimic the secretion of glucagon-like peptides, which have shown promise in the suppression of glucagon and the increase in insulin resistance. GLP-1 agonists also delay stomach emptying to prevent glucose spikes and reduce hunger over time. 

Additionally, glucagon-like peptide 1 may possess anti-inflammatory properties, which may be one reason it helps with insulin resistance. Due to theories that chronic adipose tissue inflammation leads to insulin resistance, GLP-1 may also lower insulin resistance via other mechanisms. 

Every GLP-1 agonist works differently. All but one GLP-1 agonists have to be taken by injection, and as mentioned above, only two are approved for weight loss: Wegovy and Saxenda, from the Danish healthcare company Novo Nordisk . 

Generally, we divide GLP-1 agonists into short-acting or long-acting drugs, which impact the body slightly differently. 

For example, short-acting GLP-1 may delay stomach emptying, which can help reduce glucose levels after meals. On the other hand, long-acting GLP-1 agonists work by stimulating greater insulin production in the pancreas to help absorb glucose more easily into the body’s cells. 

Aside from helping people who struggle with diabetes, regulating blood sugar levels can also control hunger and thirst to prevent overeating. 

Additionally, the positive effects of losing weight with GLP-1 agonists have been shown to also improve cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels. 

For this reason, there is some optimism that GLP-1 agonists can be useful as weight loss products.

How Do GLP-1 Agonists Work for Weight Loss?

GLP-1 agonist injections may effectively curb hunger in patients by delaying the emptying of food from the stomach and into the small intestine. In turn, people who take GLP-1 agonists will feel fuller for longer after a meal.

Additionally, GLP-1 agonists can also prevent overeating associated with hyperglycemia by regulating blood sugar levels.

The non-Brand names of the two GLP-1 agonists that are currently approved for weight loss are Liraglutide (brand name Saxenda) and Semaglutide (brand name Wegova). 

Both are long-acting agonists taken via subcutaneous shots, with Semaglutide administered weekly and Liraglutide administered daily. While both have shown some effectiveness for patients, there are some risks and downsides. 

How Safe Are GLP-1 Agonists?

Early clinical trials of Semaglutide have shown the GLP-1 agonist is relatively safe, with a majority of adverse events considered mild. The most common side effects reported were nausea, GERD, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, headache, and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

Do GLP-1 Agonists Cause Hypoglycemia?

One common concern many people have is whether GLP-1 can work too well and cause low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). 

Fortunately, GLP-1 agonists have not been shown to cause hypoglycemia in normoglycemic patients, meaning that it is currently considered by doctors to be safe to take whether you are diabetic or not. However, the risk of hypoglycemia largely depends on individual risk factors and should ALWAYS be discussed with your doctor. 

Are GLP-1 Agonists Worth It for Weight Loss?

This leads us to our ultimate question: are GLP-1 agonist shots worth the risks? 

One study from the New England Journal of Medicine found that patients who took Tirzepatide ( a GLP-1 agonist not approved for weight loss) enjoyed a 20% greater weight production than placebo groups who had not taken the drug. 

Similar findings have also found that Semaglutide helped patients shed around 15% of their total weight. 

However, while these drugs may come with mild side effects, these drugs are generally not recommended for anyone under a BMI of 30. 

Furthermore, many of these drugs are:

  • Highly expensive
  • Not covered by insurance
  • Require daily/weekly injections

While GLP-1 agonists are highly effective for people struggling with Type-2 diabetes, there may be better alternatives for regular people trying to lose weight.

Time-restricted eating, getting more sleep, and following a steady diet can be more effective and provide better long-term benefits than relying on GLP-1 injections.

Like so many other products, once patients stop using the product, the weight returns. So while GLP-1 agonists have shown effectiveness for weight loss in short-term trials, patients should wait for long-term data to see if GLP-1 agonists can help stabilize people’s weight long-term without a rebound. 

Remember, GLP-1 agonists, are effective because they suppress hunger. Therefore, adjusting eating schedules and consuming fewer calories is all achievable without spending thousands on injections with potentially serious side effects. 


GLP-1 agonists offer great promise in the treatment of diabetes and have been shown to be effective in helping patients struggling with obesity. However, GLP-1 agonists can be very expensive and have a host of side effects. 

Adjusting your diet, activity level, and when you eat will all prove more effective and stable at helping you lose weight over the long term. 


Can Non-Diabetics Take GLP-1 Agonists?

Early findings indicate that GLP-1 agonists are glucose-dependent, meaning they only suppress glucagon and increase insulin in response to increased glucose. In sum, non-diabetic patients should be able to take GLP-agonists without the risk of hypoglycemia. 

Does Insurance Cover GLP-1 Agonists?

Unfortunately, no major insurance carrier covers GLP-agonists, meaning all costs must be paid out of pocket. 

Is There a Natural Alternative to GLP-1 Agonists? 

Studies have found that products like berberine, curcumin, soybeans, wheat, resveratrol, cinnamon, and several other natural ingredients found in complex carbs may boost GLP-1 activation.  

Always speak to your physician before considering or taking any new medication or supplement. 

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Dr. Kulka

Dr. Kulka is a board-certified family medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Placing an emphasis on improving wellness and avoiding illness, Dr. Kulka has a passion for educating people about their health, weight loss options, and specific medical concerns in an easy-to-understand way.

If you, like so many people, struggle to be consistent with your healthy diet and exercise routine, or feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, check out our Seriously Simple Steps to Health and Wellness program.